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Mediumship (group séances and individual sessions)

Here you will find services providing a message of wisdom, which you are in need of right now and which also give evidence on the survival of the soul after the death of the human body. The contacts I mediate are either with loved ones on the other side or with spiritual guides. All the information in this category is mediated spontaneously. The sessions are not prepared on beforehand, something which is the case of the Akashic Records Readings.

During many years of spiritual work, I have had daily evidence that the human soul survives the body, when we one day close our eyes for this lifetime on Earth. The evidence is provided by my clients, when they recognize the people coming to see them from the other side (upon my description of their looks and main characteristics) and accept the sometimes very detailed messages, which many times are incomprehensible for an outsider. But the evidences can also present them selves upon the arrival of the clients’ personal spirit guide, who could bring up relevant advice in matters the client has been dealing with for a while. Sometimes, the client then confirm that she had already got the information somehow– without trusting in it. In those case, the session with me is contributing to an increased self-esteem for the client, who might pay some more attention to her own spiritual capacity.
I have spent a part of my life on music and would therefore like to compare spiritual capacity with musicality. Some of us are born to be Bach or The Beatles, whereas others are more or less tone belt. Some people never dare sing a music. Others are overconfident in their abilities. Most of us can learn how to play an instrument with 10 000 hours of practice – but will most likely never ever become a violin virtuoso or a opera star, where the need for a excellent musicality is extremely important. It is never too late to explore neither your musical nor your spiritual skills. Almost always, there is room for improvement and a lot more than you probably think. Your intuition is your gateway to your spirituality. For me this insight became evident rather late in life.
When you book a service, you can choose if you would like to be in contact with a loved one on the other side or with one of your spirit guides and if you would like to have the contact within the framework of a group session or in an individual session with me. If you go for a contact with a loved one, it is useful to know that it nearly always is someone there for the client – but perhaps not the one expected. The spirit who contacts me is always the person who has the most information for the client. It has happened that I have been able to contact a person by calling its name. But there is likely to come less information than if I leave it open to the spirit world to decide upon who will be sent. The one who present him/her self is always the one with the clearest message. Therefore, I prefer not to invite people on demand. In group sessions, the messages are shorter than at private sittnings and never uncomfortable for the participant, since I only let through messages of meaning and love. Soemtimes, the messages can be useful for several participants in the group. At private sittings the messages normally have higher level of complexity and could be more personal. But neither in this context, I let through dark messages about illness and death.

The following services within this category are only available in Swedish at the moment:

Spiritual Group Sessions

This service is not available in English at the moment.

Stage mediumship with contacts with loved ones in your place

This service is not available in English at the moment.

Services – Mediumship (Group Séances and Individual Sessions)
