About me
Inspired by modern consciousness research and psychosynthesis, where different levels of human consciousness are considered interrelated providing each individual with a unique inherent power, I offer a wide range of development tools; such as a large variety of prepared Akashic records readings, platform séances, instant spiritual readings, retreats and trance healing. All services are available on-line.
Until a few years ago, I was working as a human rights specialist engaged in global sustainability issues employed within the Swedish development cooperation. I traveled the world and served people with the view of saving our planet. It was an inspiring but energy-intensive way to deal with human development. Now, I have realized that human beings have access to most capacities within themselves and that you could achieve a lot by addressing challenges at an energy level. When using our conscious mind strategically, we possess abilities to improve our personal situation and relations that reach far beyond what I previously had imagined. There is modern research in this field but I am certain that there is more to come.
Presently, mankind faces many challenges – individual and collective. We live stressful lives full of competition limiting ourselves in various ways based on a belief that there is a need to live our lives at the expense of others. Much of this has to do with how the mainstream scientists consider human consciousness and its functions. A common view is that the consciousness is depending on our limited brain capacity. According to my view and experiences, this is not an inevitable truth. On the contrary, every day, I meet clients who use there concsciousness actively and change their life by making positive choices and thereby release power for themselves and others.
When trying to cope with all requirements of modern society, I stretched my body until it limits and got ill. I had to set everything but my health aside for a while and then discovered for me previously unknown dimensions of my consciousness. I opened up and could suddenly communicate with a higher self/consciousness and got access to information on soul level. Information came through in different ways; in dreams, unexpectedly in novel reading, in music and through people who happen to cross my way and come. Synchronicities were everywhere. By activating a new mindset and acting on this, I began to attract a flow of positive energies and I could also use the power to help others. Step by step I felt better and better. I felt more abundance in every possible way. How could I have missed all this? The answer is that I had never considered myself having the time to listen. Gradually, I was gaining the insight that I could have influence on my life and relations by exploring and using new energy patterns.
My first step was to mentally try to grasp what was happening to me. After all, I was a scientifically oriented person and a academics. I thought that was the way of grasping my sensational experiences. I started studying literature in paranormal subjects/quantum conciousness, signed up for different trainings and consumed pods at a fast pace. Some of all this, I could understand with the help of authors and researchers combining research on modern quantum physics with spiritual ancient knowledge. Read more on my page Philosophy! Länk. However, much I have learnt by practicing and from my own experiences.

Would you like to engage in energy work? Here is my offer…
I provide methods helping you to open-up and listen to your inner voice but also methods for your personal development and transformation with the purpose of bringing sub-conscious parts of yourself up to your mental mind.
A very transformative method is provided through my detailed Akashic records readings, which largely has the Soul Realignment modality as a solid base. In a basic reading you will get a broad overview of your soul capacities and personal energies and of what is restraining you from using your full vitalforce energy, so that you consciously can realign your energies to its perfect original state, where you optimize your access to your vitalforce energy. After a reading, I coach you on how you can do to attract more positive things into your life. This is not at all complicated, but you need to be prepared to work on new paradigms to achieve a shift on subconscious level.
I also provide study groups and book circles on different subjects on Zoom (mainly in Swedish), penetrating different esoteric questions related to quantum physics, to spirituality and self-development and provide a certification program in Personal Reality Shaping, where the clients soul origin and preconditions consist the base for the group selection.
A central area of work is mediumship, an area within which I offer both platform group séances and private sittings (both with focus on contact with beloved ones who have passed on to the spirit world. I also offer instantly channelled spiritual guidance. Most of these activities I carry out predominantly in the Swedish language.
Other areas of work are retreats, on-line trans healing and meditations.
Body and movement are also an important starting point for efficient energy work. My background in dance gives me the opportunity to occasionally inspire through dance-inspired core training.
My goal is that all my clients will succeed in maximizing their consciousness and create a life in abundance.
This is the reading for you who would like to know who you are at soul level in order to improve your life quality. This reading constitute the fundament for most of my other in-depth readings. Here I explain to you how you personally get access to your vitalforce energy to have more flow in live and provide details about blocks and restrictions you may have and reasons for them and not the least how you get about to get rid of them. This is a very transformative reading.
My Education
- Advanced Soul Realignment Practitioner (several additional programmes)
- Certified Medium (Elisabeth Edborg, Seven Stars)
- Diploma in Coaching with psychosynthesis profile and ICF:s core competences (Two-year-education at Humanova, Stockholm)
- Certified Forest Bathing Guide (Swedish Nature and Forest Therapy Institute)
- Diploma in spiritual trance healing (Elisabeth Edborg, Seven Stars)
- Completed The Power of Eight Masterclass 2021 (one-year international education in collective intention setting, Lynne McTaggart known from the bestseller The Field)
- Courses in spiritual healing (Elfving Institute and Elisabeth Edborg, Seven stars)
- Develop your Medial Abilities (Camilla Brolin’s six-month-training)
- Redesigning your Destiny (Dr. Joe Dispenza)
- Wellness Guide (Utemaningen)
Other educations:
- Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and International Law
- Poppius’ professional Press Course in Journalism
- Vocational Dance trainings (Preparatory vocational course at the Ballet Academy of Stockholm and one-year of vocational training at Kulturama, Stockholm.)
- Certification in Event Coordination (Folkuniversity Stockholm)