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Coaching is a useful tool for you who would like to move on with your life but feel somewhat uncertain about which would be the next step would be to take of your change process . I help you to get an overall perspective of your life situation and coach you on your chosen path towards your expected goal in the way that suits you the best.

My coaching is a cohesive process program of at least six hours of sessions, where you deal with any type of change. The purpose is to achieve the goal you are heading at with my assistance providing you with the relevant questions. When you come to me, you might know only the fact that you want a change but not what it looks like. The idea of the propram is to make you conscious about what would happen, when facing different scenarios when you consider changes in life, but also that you will find your needs and your will. when eller vill ha förändring i livet och att du ska hitta dina behov och din vilja. You may also detect alternative views of implementing your ideas or new ways forward. I have a two-year-long education in professional coaching from Humanova. This means that I work with psykosyntethis as a solid base and therefore see to the whole human being from a holistic perspective and with a genuine interest in the way she addresses purpose and meaning in life.

I have been inspired by the psykosynthesis to use other ways of assisting my clients than just the conversation, which of course also is important. I work with mental images, creative painting, guided visualization and physical therapy, whereby you use your body and the room to grasp abstract signals from your different layers of consciousness. This will let you explore alternative sides of yourself and dreams you may have been unaware of. I help you to keep to the course towards your desired goal. If you go for my traditional coaching, this is what we build on and your own capacity to move forward. Advisory elements do not belong to this technique. And we meet IRL at least 2/3 of the time.

As an alternative, I offer a Spiritual Energy Coaching program for those of you who have had your Basic Akashic Records Reading. With this concept you work multidimensionally with your process of change and the coaching also contains elements of energy optimization and punctual spiritual guidance on specific subjects. This guidence is not to be confused with my service Spiritual Guidance of Spirit Guide, which implies that higher wisdom is channelled instantly to the client during the session. In this process, instead I provide you with certain energy tools you may use in your goal oriented process, tools based on information I have looked up in the Akashic records before the sessions. The research I make would help you to understand yourself better. These sessions are only carried out at Zoom, whereby physical techniques have unfortunately fallen out.

Both coaching types are about to support you in a process of change. It may concern your private life or your professional life/work, to underpin your self-esteem, to bring about your strengths and displaced creativity, to find meaning and balance, to develop as a spiritual being, to take responsibility for your health or to bring consciousness to your purpose and goal setting of life and much more.
For the client who take spirituality as a point of departure, my support is often about how you could use your energetic abilities in your everyday life to dare to have confidence in the information you believe you experience in meditation and under other circumstances, so you might get a better understanding of yourself as a multidimensional being.
For the client who would like enegetic support in a process of change and is ready to work in a group, it might be of interest to look into my twenty-weeks-program in Personal Reality Shaping. In this theory/inspiration in enegybased creative work is interspersed with individual work on your personal project of change, which we discuss in groups of 4-6. All groups are based on who the participants are at soul level.

In 2023 I carried out a couple of major changes in my life, which made me give up my previous office and conversation room in Stockholm City. Additional courses and a summer house near Örebro made me develop my Zoom services even more. Until this day, I have signed no new contract for a conversation room – still considering to what extent it will be needed. But I am sure there will be a way of seeing me in person in due course. For the time being my clients in Traditional Coaching and I find occasional solutions when it comes to meeting space.

I apply strict secrecy for all information expressed in our coaching conversations.


The Manifestation Program; Personal Reality Shaping – 18 h / 8 meetings at Zoom

This program is for you who are tired of old patterns of life and woould like to try shaping your life in a completely new and unique way, in a group of like-minded people. If you have had a Basic Akashic Records Reading or a Powerwheel Analysis, you may apply for the diploma program, which is provided as a group coaching. This is not a learning program in traditional meaning but a development support in group. This program in the art of manifestation, has as its ultimate purpose to provide personal training in how you do to live in line with your own soul structure and thereby get abundance and flow in one or several life areas. This is achieved by excersizes in active energy work during a period of time. Different theories about the art of conscious manifestation is combined with practical training and group discussions on what is achieved in each individual manifestation project. The challenges, abilities and possibilities of each unique soul are taken as point of departure. The meetings are adopted to the availability of the participants – but take in most cases place every second week at a certain day agreed upon by the group members. We meet during 18 hours at 8 occations. Groups are started whenever there are enough souls with soul characteristics in common. Then an invitation is sent out to those who have showed interest and are listed on a special waiting-list. We pause for Christmas and summer holidays.  Every meeting is initiated by a enegy check-in and is ended by an equal check-out and contain a theory part and a part where the results of the individual manifestation prodjects are being discussed. In addition to that, you will get advice on what to focus on between meetings, when you are supposed to work with your personal manifestation project – some kind of life change – using your unique abilities. The atmosphere is supportive. Upon completion of program, you will have a solid base for how to be successful in manifesting what you would like in life. You have tested to work with at least one life change using your energy abilities and you have learnt how to evaluate the results you manifest by using your unique preconditions at soul level. Possibly, you have also met some new friends with similar soul settings and interests to share thoughts and ideas with in the long run. A diploma is given upon program completion to all participants, who hves been present at the meetings.

You get…

  • Fundamental theory in the art of conscious manifestation
  • Assistance in how to formulate and tackle your challenge
  • Suggestions for Podcasts and Youtube films and other reading
  • Training tool which help you hold your course in your personal manifestation process
  • A group of 3-5 soulmates to discuss challenges and success stories with.

The aim is…

  • That you learn how to use your unique soul setting to live the best life you can.
  • That you get your own energy based community to look forward to at Zooom.

To be set on a waiting list…

  • We need to look up your basic soul structure in the Akashic records in order to find you the group that suits you the best. A Basic Akashic Record Reading or a Power Wheel Analysis is therefore a precondition. (If you have had a previous Soul Realignment Reading from another practitionner, that will also do. Please, let me know.) A Basic Akashic Record Reading provides you with the best preconditions for a successful program.

The services within this category are only available in Swedish at the moment. However, if you are interested in Webbinars in English, please let me know!

Services – Coaching
